
ÖSD German Language Exams


ÖSD German Language Austrian Diploma- international exams. Ilia State University’s ÖSD exam centre announces next international exams for getting ÖSD diploma on every level of language courses. Written exams will be held on April 6-7, 2013. Registration begins on February 20 and will end on March 5. 

Exam fees for external candidates:

ÖSD A1 basic level 1:   36 Euros

ÖSD A2 basic level 2:   36 Euros

ÖSD B1 certificate:       70 Euros

ÖSD B2 intermediate level:   80 Euros

ÖSD C1 advanced level:   90 Euros

ÖSD C2 economic German: 100 Euros

Exam fees for internal candidates (ISU students and staff):

ÖSD A1 basic level 1:   36 Euros

ÖSD A2 basic level 2:   36 Euros

ÖSD B1 certificate:      40 Euros

ÖSD B2 intermediate level:  50 Euros

ÖSD C1 advanced level: 56 Euros

ÖSD C2 economic German: 66 Euros

We remind you that:

  • ISU ÖSD diploma is included in the list of language certificates for getting the visa by German embassy in Tbilisi
  • ÖSD diploma is recognized by several European Universities (see the list: Anerkennungen der Prüfungen)
  • Candidates can attend the exams without passing the preparatory courses. 
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