
Ongoing Competitions


Erasmus Mundus is a collaboration and mobility program in the field of high education, which is directed towards improvement of the quality of European high education system and also promotes dialogue and understanding between the people and cultures through cooperation with the Third-World Countries. The action 2 program includes mobility of students, researchers and academic/administrative personnel to the European and non-European high education institutions. 

Currently, at Ilia State University following three projects are ongoing:

Deadline February 28, 2013

Deadline February 18, 2013

Deadline March 4, 2013

Ilia State University students can also participate in programs, where ISU is not a partner university. Such projects are:

Deadline February 15, 2013

Deadline March 1, 2013

Deadline February 3, 2013

For additional information please address International Relations Office at Ilia State University (Cholokashvili Ave 3/5, room F315, Tel: 214 12 88)

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