
One Semester Scholarship at Fribourg University


The ASCN is a 5-year programme aiming at promoting social sciences and humanities in the South Caucasus. It is supported by GEBERT RÜF STIFTUNG (foundation) and run by the Interfaculty Institute of Central and Eastern Europe of the University of Fribourg (Swizterland) One of the components of the ASCN is a scholarship programme for young students (MA level) enabling them to spend one semester at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland).


The Academic Swiss Caucasus Net - ASCN - awards a limited number (maximum 4) of scholarships to MA students from Ilia State University to spend one semester at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Fribourg ( Students must gain a minimum of 20 ECTS credits and maximum 30 credits during their semester at the University of Fribourg.

Field of studies:

The scholarship is foreseen for MA students studying humanities or social sciences at the Ilia State University.

At the University of Fribourg, selected students will have the opportunity to attend classes in the Department of historical studies, in the Department of social sciences and in the department of philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities. The Faculty is bilingual: classes at the Faculty are given either in German or in French.

Duration of the scholarship:

Scholarships are granted for one semester (5 months, September 2010 to January 2011). Before the beginning of the academic semester, selected students can attend a 3-week French language course. Unfortunately, the course is not given for German.

Scholarship amount:

Scholarship holders receive an amount of 1'700.- Swiss francs (CHF) per month. This amount is to cover the student's study and living expenses (board, lodging; books, study material, health insurance etc.). Besides, travel costs and further administrative costs (visas, etc.) are covered by the ASCN programme.


Applications can only be accepted if they meet the following conditions:
a) Applicants have obtained a BA in humanities or social sciences and are pursuing an MA study programme in humanities or social sciences at the Ilia State University
b) Applicants are Georgian citizens.
c) Applicants master either French or German sufficiently to follow classes.

The applicant's file must contain following documents:

a)    A cover letter indicating the reasons for applying, your expectations from the scholarship
programme, an outline of your career goals and your personal and scientific interests (signed by the applicant).
b)   The present application form(signed by the applicant).
c)   A copy of university degree/ diploma including study records (grades) / list of
         courses   gained   credits.
d)   A curriculum vitae including a photo (passport format).
e)  If available a proof of language proficiency in German or French if not mother tongue
         (confirmation from a university language department, Goethe-Institute, Alliance
          Française, etc.)
f)   A detailed learning agreement (see separate document)

The applications and required documentation are to be handed to the local coordination unit of the ASCN Programme in Georgia in 2 copies. Only complete applications will be taken into consideration.
The call for applications is now open. Students who wish to spend one semester at the University of Fribourg have to apply until 15 January, 2011. Applications arriving after 15 January will not be taken into consideration. The selection results will be communicated in April 2011.
 See below attached application forms and learning agreement.

Further information about the scholarship programme can be obtained either from the ASCN Management in Switzerland or from the ASCN Local Coordination Unit at Ilia State University. Information is also available on our website :

Contact Information:
 Tiko Kadagishvili, ASCN local assistant
ASCN Local Coordination Unit
 Ilia State University
3/5, Kakutsa Cholokashvili Ave.
(Room № E408)
Tbilisi, Georgia, 0162

Application from 2011 (German), Application form 2011 (French), Learning Agreement 2011.

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