
Liberal Arts Summer School


In the frame of Liberal Arts Summer School 2012, the Liberal Arts bachelor program offers two intensive courses from July 2 to July 27, designed for Ilia State University students.

  1. Shakespeare: Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra - together with fiction and documentary movies (Professor Manana Anasashvili)
  2. Greek Drama in the Ancient and Modern Contexts ( Professor Nestan Ratiani)

Each of these courses covers six credits and is included in the literature module of the Liberal Arts program curriculum. Students having Liberal Arts as major or minor profession or those who have free elective credits as minor study field are eligible for the courses. All interested parties are also welcome to attend the courses. Please, take into consideration that after successfully completing the course/courses, the gained credits will be listed in the credit schedule of the following fall semester.  Thus you are given the opportunity to start collecting your fall term credits beforehand this summer.

For the summer school courses, the Argus system won’t operate until July 14. Interested students should register via email or come to the lectures of the courses until July 5 to register. Officially via Argus you will register after July 14.

The schedule:

  1. Shakespeare: Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra - together with fiction and documentary movies (Professor Manana Anasashvili – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 10:00- 14:00 Hall A 103. The places are limited, maximum number of students is 12. )
  2. Greek Drama in the Ancient and Modern Contexts (Professor Nestan Ratiani, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 18:00-21:00; Hall A 103)

For registration and additional information, please contact Ms. Nino Japarashvili, Liberal Arts Program Manager.


Mobile: 598 808 900

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