
Letter from Professors to Davit Usupashvili



To the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia

Mr. Davit Usupashvili

Dear Sir,

On May 29, we appealed to you with the letter expressing our concern about possible amendments in the Civil Code. The letter mentiones that initiated amendments would cause on the one hand the deterioration of our labor conditions, would damage our working environment, research independence, stability of research and possibilities of career development and on the other hand the prevention of development of the university. Accordingly, we were asking that Georgian Parliament did not overcome presidential veto. 

It is unfortunate that on May 30 Georgian Parliament overcame presidential veto.

Before overcoming the veto we heard your announcement that we were mislead and that in fact our conditions will not be deteriorated, but on the contrary will be improved. Also, you expressed readiness to meet us. 

Based on your announcement, we would like to request the mentioned meeting to discuss all the issues that may become urgent as a result of the adopted amendments to the Civil Code. 


Ilia State University Professors

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