
Introductory Tour in the Prosecutor's Office of Georgia


Ilia State University the Law School is holding the introductory tours for first and second year students in the different state institutions. In the frames of the project on June 13, 2013 the Prosecutor's office of Georgia with organizing by the Ilia State University Law School held excursion and the introductory tour for students.

Students met with the deputy minister Shota Rekhviashvili and the head of the department of the Prosecutor's Office of Georgia Kakhaber Tsereteli. They introduced the structure, the departments of the Prosecutor's Office of Georgia and their activities. Students also learned about the current projects, such as "Diversion and Mediation", "Victim and Witness Coordinator's Job". In the end of the presentation the discussion was held between the students and the representatives of the Prosecutor's Office of Georgia and it ended in the Q/A mode.

After the presentation students saw the building of the Prosecutor's Office of Georgia, among them rooms for the conferences and meetings, imitated court halls, also, the working rooms of the investigation division, where prosecutor-investigators introduced to them how the investigative actions are done. As a result of such meetings students will practically learn about the activities and structures of those state institutions that play an important role in the country governance. Ilia State University Law School will continue implementation of similar projects in the future as well.

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