
International Research Competition

Youth Innovation Competition on Global Governance (3rd edition)
July 12-19, 2009 / Tbilisi, Georgia
Ilia Chavchavadze State University, in cooperation with Rome Tor Vergata University, Fudan University Shanghai, Politecnico di Torinoin, coordinaly invites all interested candidate to participate in the international research competition.

For the detailed information regarding the competition please view the Official Invitation letter and Detailed Rules of YICGG 2009.

Detailed Rules of YICGG 2009
Global Governance and Innovation 2020: Challenge for One
Economy, One Environment, One Finance, One Security,
Many Cultures
Guidelines for Innovative Project

A. Target:
The participant will prepare and draw, before the final reviewing meeting, a draft of project on one global governance issue relevant to the Research Competition 2009 themes with originality and feasibility. The project should be based on the analysis of the status quo of the issue in question and give an outlook. The project should put forward fresh ideas and concepts, or create a practical model of governance, given that the title of this year's YICGG edition is particularly open to interesting contributions:
"Global Governance and Innovation 2020: Challenging for One Economy, One Environment, One Finance, One Security, Many Cultures".
B. Requirements:
1. Graduate and doctorate students have to comply with the general themes of the Competition. They should highlight innovativeness and knowledge of the basic literature on the implied problems, conditionality and feasibility.
The specific, detailed issue/s for all projects are decided by each proposer, under the supervision of two Faculty, one indicated from the provenance universities and research Institutions and the second by the hosting Ilia Chavchavadze State University, in the Georgian capital Tbilisi ( with reference to the Research Competition 2009) where in the next days you will find a full information link.
The websites of the 2008 edition with a full coverage of the YICGG can be visited at and at
2. The Presidency and the Scientific Judging Commission specify several themes for
In cooperation with

the competition:
a. global economy, financial, innovative growth, development in front of shocks, negative cycles through new concepts and policies to face them ;
b. environment, climate warming, alternative energy, water management, food and young generation friendly policies against poverty and underdevelopment;
c. innovation, high technology sectors, higher education and human capital;
d. governance within a framework of national and multilateral reforms in the productive private and public structures as well as in the institutional decision making processes;
e. culture, heritage values, arts and science as expression of intellectual human rights, room to peculiarities and convergences in the main issues of the common global cohabitation;
f. public policy and choices;
g. security, conflicts resolution, international order and enhancement of the multilateral cooperation in the existing worldwide or regional organizations or on new, more effective and representative institutional levels; risk management of the growing interdependent factors of the global governance.

3. The content and form of the partecipants projects are variable and can be conceptual discussions, policy advices, engineering and mechanism designs, quantitative models, simulated demonstrations and advanced presentations, cultural, artistic and literature works.
a. Theoretical Project (conceptual discussion, policy suggestion, etc); please submit a preliminary research proposal of 8-10 pages in A4 format, including title, outline, text and references after the confirmation of your participation by the hosting Ilia Chavchavadze State University Tbilisi.
b. Operational Project (mechanism design, model building, simulated demonstration, etc.) with background literature references. Please submit a design report of 3-4 pages of A4 or CD/DVD, including title and text, with syllabus and references. The design report should give a clear explanation on the structure, function and operation of the system. When presenting a physical model, participants should illustrate its making process including necessary pictures and materials.
c. If there are projects in other forms, please contact the Steering Committee for

permission before submitting the project.
4. Text Format:
a. The report should be written in English with page numbers and the project title. Your group name should be put at the header of each page.
b. The title page should include the team name, university of provenance, design date and issue area. Set the font of main title to 20-point Times New Roman, and the subtitle to 16-point Times New Roman, and center the titles.
c. The outline page should include the theme sentences and the outline. Set the font to 16-point Times New Roman. Mark the main outlines in capital roman numerals, and the secondary outlines in capital English letter, digit and noncapital English letter.
d. Set the font of the text to 12-point Times New Roman and the single line spacing with left indention of 1 inch at the beginning of each paragraph.
e. Reference pages should be appended after the text on a separate page. Set the font to 12-point Times New Roman, the single line spacing and the indention to hanging.

C. Phase One: Application for Participation
1. Deadline: May 12, 2009
A short 30 lines abstract will be requested together with your University endorsement, the CV and picture in jpg format (no less than 150 dpi) at the application to the call for participation
2. You must submit your abstracts and requested information by email to:, in copy to ; and

For any preliminary information on the hosting University please contact via email at Ilia Chavchavadze State University Tbilisi.
D. Phase Two: Confirmation of Participation
You will receive the confirmation and invitation by the Rector of Ilia Chavchavadze State University Tbilisi, Professor Gigi Tevzadze, on behalf of the Rectors and School Deans of Rome Tor Vergata University, Fudan University, Politecnico di Torino and the Presidency by the date of May 20, 2009

E. Phase Three:
The list of the participants will be available in the website at the Ilia Chavchavadze State University Tbilisi. All the participants will stay in touch via Internet in order to upgrade their researches proposals and to form Research Teams, where possible or implementing their individual contributions.
F. Phase Four:
All the Research Groups will conclude their preliminary research activity by June 30 and submit a draft via website or electronic email to the hosting and organizing Institutions, as well as to the partner participants who have cooperated to the activity.
G. Phase Five:
From July 13 to July 14 all the participants will attend the seminars on the same issues and topics of their proposed researches at the Ilia Chavchavadze State University Tbilisi where the participants will be working with the supervising Faculty and the members of Scientific Judging Committee, in order to review their drafts and prepare the definitive version of their work for a public panel session presentation on July 16, 2009 in the morning, while the Awards to the best papers or projects will be assigned at the Official Conclusion Ceremony of the YICGG 2009 on July 17. A special sightseeing tour of Tbilisi and Georgia will be organized for all the guest of the YICGG 2009
H. Final Projects Preparation and preliminary Presentation/Exhibition Date: 16 July, 2007
I . General guidelines
1. 1. Necessary Equipment and materials for preparing the presentation will be provided by the hosting University.
2. 2. Projects from different teams on the same field will be exhibited in one area.
3. 3. Please refer to any questions you have to the Steering Committee beforehand.

1. 1. Each team is encouraged to have its own logo that represents the name and the essence of their paper or design, with no restrictions to the form.
2. 2. Faculty and Experts will be present and go around in the exhibition hall and raise questions to the team members.

.a. Criteria: Innovativeness of the design and the presentation
.b. Award: Most Innovative Team (MIT)

Research Competition Official Conclusion: July 17, 2009 (by the morning)
J. Support and suggestions:
1. 1. The Steering Committee will support all the participants to form eight to ten World Teams. The selection process will also guarantee that the participants in this phase will represent in an equal way the regions or countries where the participants come from.
2. 2. The Scientific and Judging Committee will evaluate the global governance issues in accordance with the major themes of the 2009 YICGG edition. Each World Team is required to research one of these issues and draft a written report as a recommended solution, which should be original, feasible, and valid, and done within prescribed time frame.

K. Procedures:
1. 1. The Scientific and Judging Commission posts the potential subjects one month before the on-scene contest so that contestants can make preparations.
2. 2. The Commission announces the grouping list of World Teams as well as the designated subject under discussion at the welcoming reception in Tbilisi. Afterwards participants are left to their own agenda.
3. 3. On July 16, 2007, the World Teams are called to submit their final respective papers and works and participate in the reply according to the result of Scientific Judging Commission and following the criteria before mentioned.

L. Presentation:
1. 1. All reports should focus on the theme of the contest and the given subject under discussion, as well as being original, feasible, and valid. The report which shows young people's unique thoughts, could be used in practice to some extent and is proved as an efficient way of improving global governance will get a high score in this phase.
2. 2. All reports should be presented in written form with necessary graphs and tables, in 10 to 14 pages of A4 paper. Other specifications resemble those in first phase of the contest.
3. 3. Each World Team is required to give a presentation based on PPT or PDF within 15 minutes by at least 2 members, which is followed by the judges' questions. Multimedia instruments are encouraged during the illustration. After the oral debate part the form for the experts and audience to score will be collected.

M. Assessment:
1. Criteria:
.a. Conformity with the theme and subject under discussion: 20%
.b. Originality: 30%.
.c. Feasibility: 20%.
.d. Validity: 20%.
.e. Presentation: 10%

2. Scoring Composition:
.a. Expert scoring 70%
.b. Audience scoring 30%

3. Awards: Most Valuable Projects (MVP)
Frequently asked questions can be seen on our official website/Q&A as a reference.

YICGG 2009 Research Main Themes and Issues
1) Governance within a framework of national and multilateral reforms in the productive private and public structures as well as in the institutional decision making processes
2) Global economy, financial, innovative growth, development in front of shocks, negative cycles through new concepts and policies to face them
3) Environment, climate warming, alternative energy, water management, food and food and young generation friendly policies against poverty and underdevelopment
4) Innovation, high technology sectors, higher education, Life Long Learning and human capital
5) Culture, heritage, personal values and individual scope as intellectual expression of human rights in the common world
6) Public policy and choices in a changing world looking for new architectures of the relations between citizens, states and transnational and regional new governance approaches
7) Security, conflict resolution, international order and enhancement of the multilateral cooperation in the existing worldwide or regional organizations or on a new, more effective and representative institutional level
8) Risk Management in front of the growing interdependent factors of the global governance
9) Arts, history, humanities and all forms of intellectual expressions in the age of higher education and human capital mobility, integration and cosmopolitan access to global life
The Special Session of Seminars in the Ilia Chavchavadze State University Tbilisi on July 13 and 14 will propose a high level contribution on the nine chapters of the agenda until now proposed to the attention of the participants.

                                                                                                                                       Tbilisi, April 3, 2009
Dear Student,
We are very pleased to invite you to the 3rd Youth Innovation Competition on Global Governance (YICGG).
The program was initially co-initiated in 2007 by Fudan University Shanghai (, the United Nations Development Program; for the 2008 edition we have started up the partnership with some prestigious Italian Institutions with a medium term commitment: Rome Tor Vergata University, Faculty of Economics ( with its CEIS-Centre Economic International Studies and the Politecnico di Torino( and CEEUN-Transition World Research Network cooperating in the diffusion, participation and coordination of the YICGG 2008 and the selection of a number of Faculty and students among its almost 500 partners in the world (
Now the partnership has been extended to the Ilia Chavchavadze State University in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi ( ) where we will host the YICGG 2009 edition dedicated to: "Global Governance and Innovation 2020: Challenge for One Economy, One Environment, One Finance, One Security, Many Cultures".
The organizers will be Faculty and postgraduate and doctoral students from the four universities and from other worldwide Universities and Research Centers willing to participate in the Competition, under the Coordination of the four main partners. All the students selected will be granted free accommodation by the hosting University in Tbilisi, the certification of attendance and a number of credits issued by the universities following their own criteria.

This year, the Competition will bring students from more than 30 countries to share their innovation on global governance and will join this global platform together with the Rome Tor Vergata University, Fudan University Shanghai, Politecnico di Torinoin Italy and Ilia Chavchavadze State University, Tbilisi in Georgia.
Our Competition offers an excellent opportunity for postgraduate and doctoral students to make their voice heard and present new ideas, receive face-to face guidance from world top-ranked scholars in the global governance field, meet youth elites from all over the world and build their own social network. In addition, a visiting tour to Georgia and the most attractive historical places in the world will help you experiencing the main dynamic, vital, integrated and open European common space and its strong ties and partnership with Asia.
Global Governance: Growth and Innovation 2020
Challenge for One Economy, One Environment, One Finance, One Security, Many
Cultures The Scientific Judging Committee suggests but not limits the issues to the following fields:
1) Governance within a framework of national and multilateral reforms in the productive private and public structures as well as in the institutional decision making processes
2) Global economy, financial, innovative growth, development in front of shocks, negative cycles through new concepts and policies to face them
3) Environment, climate warming, alternative energy, water management, food and young generation friendly policies against poverty and underdevelopment
4) Innovation, high technology sectors, higher education, Life Long Learning and human capital
5) Culture, heritage, personal values and individual scope as intellectual expression of human rights in the common world
6) Public policy and choices in a changing world looking for new architectures of the relations between citizens, states and transnational and regional new governance approaches
7) Security, conflict resolution, international order and enhancement of the multilateral cooperation in the existing worldwide or regional organizations or on a new, more effective and representative institutional level
8) Risk Management in front of the growing interdependent factors of the global governance

9) Arts, history, humanities and all forms of intellectual expressions in the age of higher education and human capital mobility, integration and cosmopolitan access to global life
Special sessions with a series of lectures on the issues and topics of the Research Teams will take
place in Tblisi at the beginning of the YICGG 2009.

You may apply for the YICGG 2009 edition if you are a currently enrolled as Master student or have started PhD studies.

 May 12, 2009
Deadline for the submissions for participation, with the details mentioned in the Rules of the Research Competition diffused at the beginning of April 2009, together with the Call for Participation, to, in copy to ; and
 May 20, 2009
The confirmation letter will be sent to the graduate and doctorate students selected for the YICGG 2009
 June 30, 2009

By the end of June 2009 a first draft must be sent by the different Teams and individual participants to the Scientific and Judging Commission designated by the four partner universities
July 12 -July 18, 2009 in Tblisi
. • Final reviewing and Official Presentation of the 8-10 researches, following the rules on YICGG 2009 that have been diffused together with the Call for Participation letter and will be available on the website of the Ilia Chavchavadze State University, Tbilisi
. • Sessions of lectures and seminars on the main issues of the researches works proposed and presented by June 30, 2009
. • Formation of a "World Team" and develop solutions to a hot issue on global governance in the year of 2009.
. • Evaluation and awards of the "The Most Valuable Project on Global Governance" (MVP)
. • Prizing of the best researches presented
. • Issuance of an attendance Certificate to all the participants and a number of Credits that might be utilized in the curricula of each participant student


 The Georgian Ilia Chavchavadze State University, Tbilisi will cover local accommodation, full catering, shuttle from and to the airport, plus the cultural program during the days of the YICGG 2009.
 All participants will be responsible for the airfare costs.
For more information please visit the website 2008: and More enquiries at:;;, and
I look forward to meeting you at YICGG in Georgia!

Professor Gigi Tevzadze, Rector Ilia Chavchavadze State University
(Seal of the University)

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