
International Literature Conference


Ilia State University Institute of Comparative Literature,

In cooperation with Tempus Program funded project "Development of Model Doctoral Schools in Ukraine and Georgia" Announces the call for papers for the 4th International Comparative Literature Conference: Transforming Identities: Cultural Identities in Contemporary Europe.                               

Conference will take place at the Ilia State University, from 24 to 26 June, 2013.

Plenary speaker of the conference are:
David Ayers, Chair of European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies (EAM), Professor, University of Kent, UK;
Monique Castillo, Professor, Université de Paris XII, France.

Papers on various interdisciplinary/intercultural topics are welcome. Thematic sessions will be dedicated to the issues of Transforming Identities: Literature/Culture and Shaping of Cultural Identities; Cultural Identity and Politics; Contemporary Europe and European Identity; Identities and Changes in Eastern Europe.

Please submit your proposals: 200 words abstract with indication of thematic area; personal information: your name and surname, academic degree, place of work, phone number and address at

The deadline for submission is 15 May, 2013
Working languages of the conference: Georgian and English.

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