
Ilia State University Psychology School 2014


Ilia State University Personal and Communication Resources Center Director, David Amiredjibi offers training course within the scope of annual psychology school.

Art of Communication in Therapeautical Discourse

The summer school begins on June 30. Maximum number of participants – 25.

Seminar includes theory (75 academic hours) and training program (200 hours).

Course and Training program topics:
•    Neuro Linguistic structure concept in set anthropology and narrative therapy
•    Epistolary methods in communication and consultation
•    Bases of client-centered group and individual psychological consultation
•    Gestalt therapy practice
•    Psychosynthesis from set anthropology perspective (original approach)
•    Neuro Linguistic Programming in communication and therapy

Course is based on synthesis of modern approaches of applied psychology. It includes teaching integrative approaches and methodology for consultation.
Course is intended for:
Besides Ilia State University students, anyone working in the field of humanities may participate. The course is geared towards students and professionals who are interested in communication, psychological consultation, pedagogy and conflict management.
Course will be beneficial for individuals working in the field of theatre and film, management and PR, media and law – for everyone whose professional activity involves art of communication.

Course prices vary; Ilia State university students will receive significant benefit (500 and 300 Lari).

Additional information:
Training seminar leader, David Amiredjibi is a psychologist, certified NLP trainer and a conflictologist with 25 years of experience; founder (2007) and director of Ilia State University Personal and Communication Resources Center.
He has attended training and courses with Carl Rogers, John Grinder, Virginia Satir, Craytons, Marylin Rainwater, etc. He co-organized first seminars in Gestalt therapy and conflict management in Georgia, with participation of American and British psychologists (Robert Parsons and Kenneth Cloke; 1992); founded firth Sunday school and psychological rehabilitation center for IDP’s (1990-1991); introduced first training center and practical education  methodology (1989-1993).
Hundreds of students and IDP’s of 2008 war have attended his training.

Contact information:
Please directly contact lead psychologist of the school, David Amiredjibi via E-mail, note your field of work, motivation for attending the course and contact information (phone). We wish you luck!

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