
Get Ready for Graduate Record Examination


Free Course for Graduate Record Examination from Ilia State University 

Ilia State University offers free intensive course for Graduate Record Examination.

The aim of the course is to allow applicants learn effective performance strategies in exam (GRE, GMAT type) tests.  

Course Description
Course consists of 2 sessions (duration of each is 3:30 hours); it encompasses the following competencies relevant for the exam tests:

Reading Comprehension

Based on difficult texts, participants will learn quick and effective ways to understand the text and discover correct answers.

Analytic Writing 
Several types of essay structures and writing principles will be considered in regards to M.A. programs and fields. Participants will learn about essay evaluation criteria and will try to asses and grade essays according to these criteria.

Reasoning Skills
50 tasks will be selected for the training. Participants will master problem-solving skills and will solve the tasks using these skills (with trainer's help). 

Quantitative Reasoning
Participants will recall minimum basic math that is used in the exams and will use this knowledge to solve 40 problems (with trainer's help).

If you want to successfully pass national M.A. exams, please fill out this easy application form

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