
Festival of Television Films


On November 27-29, 2010 Grigol Robakidze University will host international student festival of television programs and documentaries “Centaur”. Participation in the festival is limited to students from the faculty of journalism and professionals younger than 25. The works of participants should address  the existing social issues. Priority will be given to the works that address the topic in the most original and creative way, present new forms of expression and are courageous with the use of  additional electronic effects such as colors, sound and image. Length of the television program or a documentary should not exceed 30 minutes. Work has to be recorded on DVD and contain indication of the author’s address, telephone number and an e-mail.
Information for the participants:
Application form should be sent to the following address:;
Works which are to be recorded in a DVD format can be sent to the following address: Grigol Robakidze University, 6 Djano Bagrationi Street (fourth floor, Prof. Nino Qemertelidze).

Awards will be given in the following categories:
a. Analysis and reporting on a social problem;
b. TV portrait of a representative of modern society;
c. Historical film or publicistic program which is made with the use of documentary materials from the archives;
d. Demonstrated innovative and original approach with consideration of TV specifics;
e. Best producer;
f. Best cameraman.

October 27, 2010 – original application form and work recorded in a DVD format;
November 15, 2010 – message concerning acceptance.

For detailed information please, contact organisation committee on the following address:

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