
“Europe and Caucasus “- International Conference


Ilia State University continues its cooperation with Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III in the fields of science and research. 

Within the framework of the mentioned cooperation, it’s planned to hold the joint international scientific conference in October, 2011. The conference will be dedicated to the topic “Europe and Caucasus, Interregional relations and the Problems of Identity”. 

The professors from the partner universities, the researchers of Yerevan State University and outstanding European scientists such as Jean-Pierre Mahé and Jean Richard (members of French Institute), Professor Bernard Coulie (University of Louvain in Belgium), Professor Levon Zekiyan (Ca' Foscari University in Venice) and Karam Rizk (Vice-Rector of the University of Kaslik in Libya) will take part in the conference. 

The conference aims to contribute to the studies of the complex phenomena covering individual, collective, language, cultural, religious, political and national identity. According to the title of the conference, the main emphasis will be made on the identity construction of two Caucasian nations (Georgians and Armenians) through the centuries and nowadays in parallel to their permanent efforts to European integration.

The conference thematic is not chronologically restricted. All speeches due to the conference title will be accepted.  The conference will be carried out in three stages: this year- it will be held at Ilia State University, at Montpellier –in 2012 and at Yerevan- in 2013 as well. 

The materials of three conferences will be published in Georgian and French languages. 

The working languages of the conference are Georgian and French. 

For participation in the conference, all interested persons should submit a title of the speech and a brief resume (500 words) with indication of five key words till July 9, 2011.  In addition, it is desirable to indicate accurately your scientific degree and status, workplace – institution and position as well. 

For additional information, please contact:

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