
Erasumus Mundus Exchange Program EUROEAST


Erasmus Mundus is a collaboration and mobility program in the field of high education, which is directed towards improvement of the quality of European high education system and also promotes dialogue and understanding between the people and cultures through cooperation with the Third-World Countries. The action 2 program includes mobility of students, researchers and academic/administrative personnel to the European and non-European high education institutions.

Project EUROEAST was funded by European Commission in 2012. Polytechnic University of Turin is the project coordinator. The competition announced in the frames of the project foresees mobility of bachelor, master, doctoral, post doctoral and academic/administrative personnel.

Mobility can be done if following universities

  1. Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy - coordinator 
  2. Aalto University, Finland
  3. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
  4. FUB - Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
  5. IST - Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
  6. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
  7. UGENT - Universiteit Gent, Belgium
  8. UPV - Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
  9. UM2 - University of Montpellier 2, France

The period of mobility:

Bachelors - 6-10 month
Masters - 6-10-24 month
Doctorate Students - 6-12- 18 -24 month
Post Doctorate Students - 6 month
Academic personnel - 1 month

Bachelors - 1000 Euro
Masters - 1000 Euro
Doctorate Students - 1500 Euro

Post Doctorate Students - 1800 Euro

Academic personnel - 2500 Euro
Program also covers all the expenses of transportation, insurance and study fee.
The applications are accepted electronically (

The participants will be selected on the bases of the presented documents.

The competition lasts till February 18, 2013.

For more detailed information check program's web page >>

For additional information address International Relations Office at Ilia State University (Cholokashvili Ave 3/5, room F315, Tel: 214 12 88,

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