
Erasmus Mundus Mobility Grants - IANUS


IANUS  -  Inter-Academic Network Erasmus Mundus

The main objective of the Erasmus Mundus IANUS project is higher education cooperation between EU and ENPI (European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument) countries, ensuring the necessary framework for academic mobility of bachelor, master, doctoral, post-doctoral students, as well as of that of teaching and administrative staff. It is managed by a partnership of 20 Universities in Austria, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia,  Moldova also Romania (Coordinator), and Ukraine (Co-Coordinator).

IANUS is designed to help students (Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level), post-doctoral researchers and academic staff to gain valuable professional experience through short or long-term scholarships which allow them to study/work/research at one of the partner universities.

The deadline for submitting your application is 15th February 2013.

For detailed information, please refer to the project project webpage.

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