
Erasmus Mundus Exchange Program EUROEAST


Erasmus Mundus Exchange Program EUROEAST announces open competition for students, researchers and academic/administrative staff to gain scholarship for study, research and professional development in the European higher education institutions. 

Mobility is available in the following Universities:

  1. Politecnico di Torino, Italy - Coordinator;
  2. AALTO University, Finland
  3. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
  4. Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
  5. Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
  6. Universiteit Gent, Belgium
  7. Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
  8. University of Montpellier 2, France

The program fully covers tuition fee, travel and insurance costs, and provides a monthly scholarship:

  • Bachelor - 1000 EUR
  • Master - 1000 EUR
  • PhD - 1500 EUR
  • Post-Doctorate - 1800 EUR
  • Academic/Administrative Staff - 2500 EUR

Applicant should be:

  • Citizen of Georgia;
  • ISU bachelor students;
  • Master students from all accredited higher education institutions of Georgia;
  • Those who graduated from BA andcurrently, they are not enrolled in any higher education institutions;
  • ISU PhD students;
  • ISU Post-Doctorate students;
  • ISU Academic and administrative staff

Applicants cannot be:    

  • Those, who spent more than 12 months in any EU countries during last five years;
  • The first year bachelor students

The deadline for application submission is February 3, 2014.

For detailed information, please, visit the project web-page >>>

In case of further questions, contact ISU Office of Development and Foreign Relations.

Venue: Cholokashvili Ave. 3/5, E105

Phone: 995 322 14 13 88

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