
Erasmus Mundus Exchange Program ELECTRA


Erasmus Mundus Exchange Program ELECTRA announces an open competition for students, researchers and academic/administrative staff to gain scholarships for study, research and professional development in the European higher education institutions. 

The mobility is available in the following Universities:

1.     University of Oldenburg, Germany -  Project Coordinator;

2.     University of Oulu, Finland;

3.     Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain;

4.     University of Limerick, Ireland;

5.     Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland;

6.     Politecnico di Torino, Italy;

7.     Universidade do Minho, Portugal;

8.     University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Sofia, Bulgaria;

The program fully covers tuition fee, travel and insurance costs, and provides a monthly stipend:

Bachelor - 1000 EUR
Master - 1000 EUR
PhD - 1500 EUR
Post-Doctorate - 1800 EUR
Academic/Administrative Staff - 2500 EUR

Who isn't eligible to participate:

  • Those, who spent more than 12 months in any EU countries during last five years;
  • The first year bachelor students;

The deadline for application submission is January 31, 2014.

For detailed information, please visit the project web-page:

In case of further questions, please contact ISU Office of Development and Foreign Relations:

Venue: Cholokashvili Ave. 3/5, E105

Phone: 995 322 14 13 88

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