
Competition on Topics of Climate Change


The National Association of Georgian Local Governments in the frames of the program financed by USA International Development Agency (USAID) “Institutionalization of Measures of Adaptation to Climate Change and Softening of Influence in Georgian Regions” is announcing essay competition on the following topic: “Climate Change and Georgia”.

Any university student can participate in this competition.

Potential topics of the essay:

  • The influence of climate change on Georgian regions;
  • Climate change and the topics of environmental protection;
  • Economical aspects of climate change;
  • Climate change and biodiversity;
  • Public opinion and awareness about climate change;
  • Georgia and international agreements on climate change topics.

Competition topics are not limited to only above mentioned issues of climate change and participants can decide the topic according to their will. The jury will choose 10 best essay and their authors will participate in the scientific conference on June 5, environmental protection day. From 10 best works jury will select the nominees for I, II and III places.

Essay has following requirements:

Work should not exceed 500 words;

Title: shrift Sylfaen 12, bold;

Author (name and surname) – shrift Sylfaen 10, bold;

Name of the university, faculty, specialization – shrift Sylfaen 10, italic;

Main text – shrift Sylfaen 10, interval 1;

Deadline for the essay is May 20, 18:00. You should submit the essay on the following address:

For additional information please contact program’s PR specialist Tamar Bagratia at the following telephones:  272-67-34/35; 595 565553.

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