
Yasuhiro Kojima’s Records

On March 18, 2011 Yasuhiro Kojima, Japanese Kartvelologists and Associate Scientist-Researcher of Tokyo University of Foreign Languages and Institute of Asian and African Languages and Culture, delivered a public lecture on “Objective clause in Georgian verb”.

Yasuhiro Kojima took interest in Georgian language through his university studies and learned it by usage of H. Aronson’s Georgian language self-study (English Language). He first visited Georgia in 1998 during a month and a half, then in 1999 and also in 2000-during 2 years. He studied Georgian as well as Megrul-Chanuri and Svanuri languages and got interested in Caucasian languages. 

Now, Yasuhiro Kojima works on the doctoral dissertation dedicated to a functional analysis of subjunctive in Georgian language. He actively participates in international conferences in the field of Caucasiology and Kartvelology and publishes articles in scientific journals on Phonetics, morphology, syntax and semantic issues of Kartvelian languages. 

Yasuhiro Kojima is an active interpreter and translates prose works from Georgian into Japanese language and on the contrary as well.


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