World Ranking of Universities
According to the Ranking Web of World Universities 2012, Ilia State University has once again topped the first position among the universities in Georgia. The University has improved the ranking score compared to the previous year and progressed from 5915 to 2538 position worldwide.
The Ranking Web of World Universities is a world ranking of universities, incorporating 12 000 institutions of higher education.
The ranking is based on one of the most important criteria such as a visibility of the university. The visibility is measured by large-scale usage of web-page information and web presence of professors and researchers as well.
The web ranking indicators do not reflect the numbers of visits or page design. They are based on the global performance and visibility of the university, including formal and informal scholarly communication and publications.
The taking of the first position highlights that the researches of our scientists as well as spread information about the works of the University are the most claimed and interesting.