World Book Day
April 23 is a world book day. This date was chosen by “UNESCO” to honor William Shakespeare’s birth and death day and announced it an international day of books. Iliauni and students celebrated this day with several events. At the entrance of Ilia State University during the whole day Book Drive was functioning were every volunteer could donate books for children houses and for newly established “Mediateka” at Vake Park.
At the same time Ilia State University students created flash mob dedicated to the world book day. At one of the traffic lights near the passage they read books and with this gesture reminded the society of book’s existence and importance.
In celebration of the world book day the book shop “Ligamus” also took part, where fairytales were read for children. Also, Iliauni “Book Reading Club” held meetings with the students and they discussed Jack London’s novel “Love of Life” with invited literature specialist professor Levan Tsagareli. At the end of the day “Ligamus” hosted the society of spreading reading with Lavan Gambashidze and invited guests.