Work by Professor Irina Lobzhanidze published in Springer
Scientific work “Finite-State Computational Morphology: An Analyzer and Generator for Georgian” has been published in Springer by the Ilia State University Professor of the Institute of Linguistic Studies of the Ilia State University Irina Lobzhanizde.
About the work:
This work provides a comprehensive account of current research on the finite-state morphology of Georgian and yields some information about Georgian morphosyntax and its computational processing. The book opens with the author’s synoptic overview of the main lines of research, covers the properties of the word and its components and ends with the description of Georgian morphosyntax and the morphological analyzer and generator of Georgian.
The book comprises three chapters and accompanying appendices. The aim of the first chapter is to describe the morphosyntactic structure of Georgian. The second chapter focuses on the application of finite-state technology to the processing of Georgian and on the compilation of a tokenizer, a morphological analyzer and a generator for Georgian. The third chapter discusses the testing and evaluation of the analyzer’s output.
Link: https://bit.ly/3GRTCn0
Scientific work Lobzhanidze I. (2022) Finite-State Computational Morphology. Springer, Cham.https://bit.ly/3BpOdlR
Prof. Irina Lobzhanidze
Ilia State University
Institute of Linguistic Studies