University’s Gift to Abkhazian Schools
On January 16, Ilia State University donated to the Ministry of Education and Science of Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia books published by ISU publishing house. Among the books are educational as well as books from classic and modern literature: Paul Widmer “Switzerland as a Special Case”, Kati Marton “Enemies of the People”; Sally Boysen and Deborah Custance “The Smartest Animals of the Planet”; books by Roger Zelanzy “Nine Princes in Amber”, “The Guns of Avalon”, series “Ilia’s Library” etc.
This action aims to help 14 public schools in Abkhazia and 31 schools in Gali (occupied territory), that are under control of the Ministry of Education and Science of Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, direct study process in Georgian and provide best Georgian language educational process, because obtaining this kind of literature is a big difficulty for above mentioned schools.