Thomson Reuters Database
We are pleased to announce that from May 1, 2013 Ilia State University library is giving you the opportunity to use two important products of Thomson Reuters database: Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports.
It has to be mentioned that Ilia State University is the only authorized user of Thomson Reuters database in Georgia.
Above mentioned network is accessible at Iliauni library halls and for inner network users.
Web of Science maintains fast access to worlds leading 12,000 high impact factor journals, free access journals and to 150,000 conference material. It is possible to find old and newest data starting from 1900 in science, social science, arts and humanities direction.
With Web of Science it is possible:
- Find high impact factor articles and conference data
- Locate relevant results in the areas connected to the research
- Discover newest tendencies which will support implementation of successful research
- Identify potential coworkers having high citation factor.
- Integration of research, writing and bibliography creation processes.
Journal Citation Report offers you to evaluate systematically, objectively and critically world’s leading journals on the basis of data about citation. On the basis of using source citations in the articles, journal citation database (JCR) measures journal’s research importance and impact, shows relationships between citied journals and those journals where this citations are used. You can access publications in sciences and in social sciences.
Journal citation database gives an opportunity:
- To librarians: to prove and evaluate library’s research investments.
- To authors and editors: to identify the most relevant and influential journal for publishing the article.
- To researchers: to find literature in the relevant field.
- To informational analysts: to find bibliometrical models and citation tendencies.
Please take into consideration that for our user database from 2006 will be accessible.
We also inform you that at the library of Ilia State University everyone has an opportunity to use Thomson Reuters database and with all those resources that the library owns.