
The Presentation and Discussion of the Publishing Project

On December 22 Ilia State University book shop “Ligamus” held a presentation and discussion of publishing project that is directed by ISU Art Research Institute. The presentation and discussion was organized by the Centre for studying cultural management and cultural politics.

Presentation was attended by Giep Hagoort – professor at Utrecht University- whose book “Art Management, Entrepreneurial Style” will be soon published in Georgian.

On this presentation professor Hagoort, who is here with the initiative of Art Research Institute, emphasized the content and importance of the book and professional experience that he combined together in above mentioned work.

Presentation later was followed by the discussion that together with the guest was lead by ISU professor Iuri Mgebrishvili.

In the second part of the meeting ISU students got actively involved in discussion. Their majority attended two day lecture by Hagoort. Audience was given a possibility to ask questions to the professor who has a big and successful experience of working in the sphere of art management.

ISU Art Research Institute (director Levan Khetaguri) plans to continue collaboration with Giep Hagoort in future as well.

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