


Ilia State University in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation South Caucasus Office (KAS) offers an intense course of Ukrainian Language. Alla Golovnia, Professor of National Aviation University will lead the course.

Course description: the suggested intense course of the Ukrainian language is aimed at acquiring the basic grammar notions and structures, learning needed for the beginner’s level vocabulary, mastering the skills of reading that will enable the course participants to talk and support the conversation on simple daily topics, react to the questions of an interlocutor and feeling free in Ukrainian-speaking environment.

The students who will successfully go through the course are supposed to reach A1 level.

The students are to get the communicative, social and soft skills on the following topics:

  1. Getting Acquainted. Greetings and saying goodbye. Small talk.
  2. About myself. Family. Family relations.
  3. Leisure. My day. Hobby.
  4. Food. Meals. Fruit and vegetables. Dishes and drinks. Where to eat.
  5. Eating at home and public places.
  6. Accommodation. House. Apartment. Hotel.  
  7. At the store. Where and how to buy.
  8. Transport. In the city.
  9. Professions. Occupations.
  10. 24/7: talking about periods of days, days of the week and months

Detailed description of the course you can find here.

All those, who are interested in learning Ukrainian Language are welcome to register. The selection of participants will be held in two stages: application selection and interview.

The deadline for registration is January 31, 2023.

For registration, please, follow the link:

Duration of the course: 8 weeks (2 times per week, 2 hours)

The classes will be delivered in face to face regime, at Ilia State University.

Successful participants will be awarded with certificate issued by Ilia State University.

For additional information contact us at the following email address:


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