The Human Rights Law Network
The Human Rights Lawyers Network Presentation
On Tuesday, October 8, 12:00, ISU Bookstore "Ligamus" hosted the "Human Rights Lawyers Network" presentation organized by the Constitutional Court of Georgia and Ilia State University. The Network was founded by the alumni members of the joint project "Summer School" carried out by the Constitutional Court and ISU.
Zurab Javakhishvili, Head of ISU Administration, His Excellency Mr. Richard Norland, U.S. Ambassador, the EU representative, George Papuashvili, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, Kote Vardzelashvili, Chairman of the First Board and George Tumanishvili, Dean of ISU School of Law, delivered the speeches at the meeting. The event was attended by the representatives of Ilia State University, various non-governmental organizations, universities, media outlets and international organizations and Steven Austermiller, the representative of JILEP.
The second part of the presentation was dedicated to the future prospects of the network. George Meladze, Karlo Godoladze and George Mumladze, the representatives of the "Centre for Constitutional Research", introduced the forthcoming plans of the Centre to the ISU students and the "Summer School" alumni members, talked about the priorities for 2013-14 academic years.
The Human Rights Lawyers Network will help the young lawyers with the common liberal values to develop the professional links with each other. It will support their academic progress and promote their involvement in the legal reform process.