
Tbilisi Mineral Water Market

Ilia State University hosted the presentation of the research titled “Tbilisi Mineral Water Market – The Choice of Consumers” prepared by Iliauni Business Review (IBR).

This research aimed to identify the most popular mineral water in Georgia. The research was conducted throughout March 10-20, 2012 and 15 market objects of Populi network were studied in the eleven regions of Tbilisi. The pickings of 65-75 people were fixed in each market object. The preference of 1054 people was studied in Tbilisi. The results were listed according to brands, the regions of Tbilisi, sex and age groups. The following five local brands were involved in the research - Nabeghlavi, Likani, Borjomi, Sairme and Flate.

According to the research outcomes, the most popular mineral water of the Populi network is “Nabeghlavi”, then Likani and Borjomi. Flate and Sairme took quite insignificant parts. “Nabeghlavi” took the leadership position in the eight regions of Tbilisi. Likani is a leader in other three regions. Borjomi took the 3rd position. Flate has only been consumed in Didube and Sairme - in Saburtalo and Ortachala as well. Men usually buy the mineral water than women. Women generally pay money for Likani.

Iliauni Business Review is prepared by researchers of Economic Researches & Consultation Center. The center is operating under the auspice of ISU Department of Business.

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