
Summer School for German Students

Ilia State University is inviting university students from Germany to participate in the summer school - “South Caucasus – Culture, Society, and Politics”. It is already the fifth year that the summer school is organized with the support from The Germany Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), in the frames of the project “GoEast”.

The aim of the summer school is to help the understanding of Caucasus, as the phenomenon in the European academic space and with this to participate in the process of bringing closer European and Caucasus countries culturally and politically. The participants of the summer school will have an opportunity to become aware of the important aspects of Caucasus culture and politics not only on the theoretical level on the seminars, but also practically through direct contact with Georgian reality. For getting practical experience they will participate in excursions and in the life of host Georgian families. The knowledge and cross cultural competences acquired during the summer school will establish the bases for the deepening the Caucasus research in Germany and for the future collaboration. 

The duration of the summer school is two weeks (06.09.2013 – 20.09.2013) and it includes seminars and lectures. Seminars will be lead by Dr. Uwe Halbach (Fund for Science and Politics, Berlin) and Dr. Florian Mühlfried (Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena). After seminar works (four hours per day) the participants of the summer school will meet Georgian experts of different spheres, artists and politicians. The language of the school will be German and English. After finishing the school participants will get certificates (3 credits). For getting the certificate participant should submit paper based on the previous agreement.

Seminars and meetings will be held in Tbilisi and Abastumani. On the excursions (in Mtsketa, Vardzia, Kazbegi, Khertvisi) participants will see the cultural monuments, enjoy the panoramas and listen to the short reports. The first week of the summer school will be held in Tbilisi, the part of the second week will be in Abastumani on the territory of astrophysics observatory and the last days participants will spent again in Tbilisi.

The Germany Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) will provide stipends for twenty students from German universities who study humanitarian or social sciences. For getting the stipend applications should be submitted to The Germany Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (, in the case of self financing five students can be added to the selected contingent.

In Tbilisi students will live in the host families and rented apartments. In Kazbegi and Abastumani they will live in the university hotels. The the living and food expanses will be covered by students.

Those willing to participate in the summer school should submit their CV, motivation letter and recommendation until May 31 on the following address: The results of the competition will be announced not later than June 30, 2013.

For additional information those who are interested can address the director of the summer school professor Levan Tsagareli (Faculty of Arts and Sciences or the coordinator of the school Giorgi Chantladze (The director of the Student Service Centre 

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