Success of ISU School of Law
In Frankfurt (Germany), Professor George Tumanishvili, Dean of ISU School of Law and Irina Aghapishvili, Lecturer at ISU School of Law, were awarded the status of arbiter and expert of the world's leading Foreign Direct Investment Moot competition.
The international competition of the Foreign Direct Investment Moot was founded in 2006. The founders are the following five institutions: Center for International Legal Studies, (Salzburg, Austria), Suffolk University Law School, Pepperdine University Law School, German Institution of Arbitration, Centre of European Law.
Each year, the Moot Court is hosted by one of the founder universities. In 2012, Suffolk University Law School hosted the moot court. In 2013, FDI was held in Frankfurt, Germany. In 2014, it will take place in Malibu.
This year, ISU School of Law became an arbiter of the competition. In addition, arbiter represents an institution, having the status of affiliation.