
Success of a Young Scholar from Ilia State University

Giorgi Dalakishvili, scholar of the Ilia State University, was awarded a double PhD degree from the Universities of Leuven and Bochum. 

In 2007 Giorgi Dalakishvili enrolled in a double PhD program of the Leuven (Belgium) and Bokhum (Germany) universities thanks to a grant provided by the SOLAIRE Research Training Network.

Dalakishvili’s successful three-year work was crowned by a defense of the thesis: “Study of Dynamic Plasma Processes in Stellar Winds”. Thesis focused on those interesting and inexplicable physical processes that take place in case of pulsars and sun-like stellar winds. This is a very important topic and is one of the most significant parts of a research program of Center of Theoretical Astrophysics. 

Award of the Joint Degree is a very rare and honorable event, which makes success of the Georgian scholar even more important. Dalakishvili graduated from the University of Leuven with a degree of Doctor of Sciences (Mathematics, PhD) and from the University of Bochum with a degree of Doctor of Natural Science (Dr. Rer. Nat.). 

The Jury of thesis defense consisted of three persons from the Catholic University of Leuven, three persons from the University of Bochum and Dalakishvili’s scientific supervisor from Georgia, Andria Rogava, Associate Professor of Astrophysics. 

After completion of the PhD thesis Giorgi Dalakishvili returned home and plans to continue his scientific research at the Ilia State University.


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