
Students’ Field Expedition

The students of ISU College of Arts and Sciences underwent the field archeological and ethnographic practice in the regions of Meskheti–Javakheti and Adjara-Guria from June 28 to July 9, with guidance of Professor Paata Bukhrashvili. The expedition aimed to provide students with skills that are essential to conduct archeological and ethnographic research works. For that purpose, they were given the task to collect field materials by themselves. 

The bachelor students participated in the archeological works carried out on the territory of the fortress-town locating in the village Saro (Aspindza District). The participants of the expedition acquainted with the modern life and culture of the people living in Samtskhe-Javakheti and Adjara-Guria regions; collected the field ethnographic materials and saw the sights and archeological monuments of the regions. In addition, they visited the churches and monasteries of Vardzia,Tsunda, Khvilisha, Vaniskvabebi, Safara, Dzardzma, Chule, Khertvisi, Biete and Shemokmedi. The participants attended the public holidays in Akhaltsikhe and Khizabavra as well as visited the museums of Poti and Akhaltsikhe.

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