
School of education

Ilia State University

School of education

School of education is based on the main principle of Ilia State University - to create the whole space of academic and professional education and researches by coordination of students, professors, teachers and researchers.


Ilia State university school of education,  based on the existing experiance in the field, creats new educational knowledge with integration of the komponents of Researches in education, teaching and practice and is the leader in prepearing modern education specialists. It aims to become education as a velue and focuses on the availability of education and its fair distribution.


School of education aims to create and spread modern, international and local relevance innovative and scientifically proved  knowledge; prepearing of successful specialists, researchers, developing of in sevice proffesionals; to develop successful specelist, researchers, in service staff.  The school meets the modern challenges of education and contributes to science education and educational system development.


• diversity of researches in the field of education to create new knowladge and experience;
• To create the programmes of academic trainig and lifelong learning and permanent development;
• Sincronazition of programs of school of education with each other and to strengthen the relationship between academic programs of other fields;
• To train proffesionals by integration of research, teaching and practice.
• Professional development of staff in the field of education;
• Caring of Professional development of the academic staff of the school and attracting of highily qualified new staff;
• Internationalization of teaching and researches in the field of education;
• To establish and strengthen institutional linkages with local, regional and international level;
• To participate in the formation of the police of education;
•  To encourage close relationship between professors and students;
• To use their own capacity and resources for the benefit of society.


• Development of curriculum
• Development of the school infrastructure
• Development of  research potential
• Development of organizational culture
• Implementation of innovations
• Improving the quality of education research
• Development of coordination with stakeholders

The school leads its  work in the following fields:

Ilia state university education school conducts its work in the filed of research, academic and lifelong learning and public service. 

Research activities of school of education

Research activities is a through priority.
Research activities of the school aims to create new knowledge in the different fields of education and   integrate it in practice.

The research activities of the school of education aims:

• To provede students’ maximum involvement in the process of research and support their research activities
• Involvement in international scientific discussions
• To publish scientific peer review journal/journals and its registration in international bases. (e.g.EBSCO); 
• Develop the research curuculum of school of education (on bachelors, master and doctoral levels and in the filed of lifelong learning.);
• To obtain research grants.

Research activities of the education school coordinates coordinating group of researches that includes:

• To organize scientific research seminars, colloquiums, workshops in order to share research experience in research;
• Tocreate the base for current ativities and update them within the school of education;
• To inform the target group about the research activities of the school;
• To facilitate the process of strategic planning of the research activities.

Academic and lifelong learning

The concept of the school of education is represented in five main programs:
• Pre-school education
• Primary, elementary and secondary education
• Special education
• Multilingual education
• Education administration

Represented programs offer both academic and opportunities for lifelong learning.
The school of education, based on needs,  updates, enriches and refines programs systematically.

Pre-School Education Program

The program aimsto preparethe early childhood educationspecialist whowill be able to carry out the educationaland administrative practica lactivitiesat the pre-school education levels for children agedfrom 0to 6 years.It means to get knowledge about the learning and development of a child in early ages andcarry outappropriate educational programs forming the skills necessary in early ages for a child’s needs, abilities and  interests.

At the Bachelor's degree, the pre-school educationprogram aimsto support the creationof thosebasictheoretical, practical andresearch knowledge and skills, which are important for planning,conductingand evaluating thehigh-qualitypre-school educational process of the pre-schoolage children. Therefore, theprogram involvesboth theoretical studyand practicaltraininginpre-school organizations(such as kindergarten, day nursery, etc.), as well as implementation of small research projects depending on the student's interests.

The opportunities oflifelong learning within the frames of pre-schooleducation include the offer of training modules, which will give to the pre-service teachers, educators, administrators and otherstakeholderthe possibility toimprove theirskills andlearn about the latest theoretical and practicalissuesrelated topre-school education.

Elementary, Basic and SecondaryEducation

The academic program of the Bachelor's degree aims toprepareelementary, basic and secondary levels' teachers,who will have theextensive knowledge of subject/ group of subjects,andskills required foreffectivelearning and teaching. After completing theprogram,students will be ableto teachin comprehensive secondary schools at the appropriate level, using the knowledgeofthe latestmethods, approaches and practices.
Within the framework of the Teacher's TrainingProgram,the practiceis seenas an integralpart ofthe learningprocess, whichruns through out the entireeducationalprocess and is aiming entering the profession by the properly educated and, particularly, the practice-oriented personnel.

The academic program of the Master's degree aims top repare education researchers,who will be ableto manage complex research of the learning and teaching processesand to use systematically the research results with purpose to increasethe efficiencyofthe educational process in a school.

The lifelong learning programs aim to facilitate in service teachers of theprimary,basic and secondary schools,and persons willing to become a teacher, in their professional development and ability to lead the result-oriented educational process effectively.

Specialand Inclusive Education

Special and inclusive education aims to prepare professional teachers in the field of special education considering every individual to be capable of making a positive contribution to the development of society and be able to facilitate the persons with socialdisabilities and special educational needs to become integrated in the educational process.
At the Bachelor'sdegree thespecial and inclusive educationis viewed asan essential component of the academicprogram for preparing theteachers.

At the Master's degree of academiceducation the program and knowledge will be diversified in the fields of special education. In particular, will be proposed two formats of the one-year master'sprogram, one of which will befocused on the preparing the special teachers of general profileand the second program will provide the narrowspecializationin the field ofspecialeducation(for example, special education for impairments in hearing, vision, speech, intellectualskills or multipledisability). The priority ofprogram is a studying by students of different types ofeffective teaching strategies for special education of various type disabled persons, and training in research of special andinclusive educationpractices.

Proposed activities within the framework of lifelong learning aims to give the theoreticaland practical knowledge of the topical issues regarding special and inclusive education for the pre-service teachers or specialists willing to become a teacher, as well as to parentsof thosewith special educational needs.

Multilingual Education

At the Bachelor's degree themultilingual education program (as a program giving the additional qualification) aims to grant the multilingual/bilingualteacher'sadditional qualification to participants of the elementary, basic and secondaryteacher preparationprogram. As a result, theteacher shouldbe ableto teachhissubject innon-Georgian language school both in native language and in state language, orjust onlyin the statelanguage, through the development ofappropriatematerials for thelevel of knowledge of the target grouplanguage.
After graduating fromthe program, studentswill be qualified as a teacher of the appropriate subject with the academicqualityand additional certificate of the multilingual education.
At the Master's degree of academiceducation,will beoffereda one-yearand two-yearprogramsdepending onthe targetgroups.One-yearprogram will be designed for thosewho alreadyhave ateacher's qualification at the bachelor's degree(without the multilingual education certificate);

The two-yearprogram isintendedfor thosewho do not havepassed the60-creditteacher’s training program (including the applicant’s 60-credit program) and wantsto pass thesubject teacher's program, with qualification of the subject teacher and additional qualification for multilingual education.

Lifelong educationaimsto familiarizethe pre-service teacherswith both themultilingual educationtheoryand the ability to develop, conduct and analyze (together with colleagues) the integral (language plus subject) lesson, based on the multilingual model.

Education Administration

The education administrationMaster's degree programaims to prepare the managers/administrators for the middle andhigher education spheres, who will be able to participate in administering of schools and higher education system and to provide the effectiveness of policies related to educational institutions.  

The programfocuses notonly on receiving thetheoreticalknowledge, but also on the development of practicalskills andforming researchcompetencies.
The programconsists of twoareas:thesecondary education with teaching in Georgian language and highereducation with study process inGeorgian and English.
In addition to the offering ofMaster's program, there is thepotentialto offerprofessional developmentshort courses/summer schools, intended for the acting professionals and otherindividuals,interested in educationmanagement.


Ilia State University's school of education finds it importantnot to waitpassivelyfor a long timedisseminationof researchresults inthe field of educationand training. For the school of educationis a priority to provide its direct involvement in the increasing of education quality for the individuals and institutions, as well as in the increasing of the availability of educationand diversityof educational forms. For these purposes, Ilia State universitystudentsandprofessorswill participate inthe efforts of different schools,preschools, high schools, various social groups and their members, toidentify andsolveeducationalproblems.The schoolof educationwill help toeducational institutions to improve the administering and education quality, as well as to students -to improvetheireducational achievements, and to teachers-in resolving the specificteachingobjectivesandso forth.

The requirements of the socially usefulpublic services will beintegrated both into thecurriculumofIlia State University's school of education, and into the lists of obligations of the professors' terms of reference. Close partnershipwith society will help theschool ofeducationin acquiring the promptand positiveinfluence in thefield of education, as well as in forming of socialresponsibilityvalues of the graduates and in better organizing theteaching and researchissues.

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