
Public Presentation at the Iliauni

A public presentation of student projects was presented on June 26, 2010 1pm room A 101 (32 Chavchavadze Avenue). The presentation was organized as a part of a lecture course “Techniques of Communication, Presentation and Discussion”.
A jury named the winning projects for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and nominated others for the prizes in the categories  of: Most original, Educational and Urgent presentations.

1st prize was awarded to the team “Makharoblebi” (topic “Marriage”).
2nd place was given to the “Captain Crook’s Team” (topic “Animation”).
3rd place went to the team “No 5” (topic “Parfume”).

Nominations included:

  • Educational presentation: team “2” (topic “Indigo Kids”).
  • Original presentation: team “Iberians” (topic “Wine”).
  • Urgent presentation: team “Hebe” (topic “Kids at Home Instead of Kids at Shelters”).

The winners were awarded certificates and symbolic gifts. The project was organized by the first year academic year coordinator Maka Pataridze.

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