PPRTC training for staff members of Research Department of Parliament of Georgia
On March 23-25 Ilia State University Public Policy Research and Training Center (PPRTC) hosted a training on “Document Analysis and Presentation of Research Findings” for the staff members of Research Department of Georgian Parliament. Refreshment and deepening of trainees’ knowledge about the research methodology was the main objective of abovementioned training.
In the framework of the three-days training new methods of internet-based research, various analytical methods and effective tools to present research findings were discussed. Training also provided an opportunity to practice analytical writing skills that will be applied by participants in their daily assignments. Following the three-days training communication between trainers and participants will be carried out through University’s online educational tool – Moodle.
Training-module was prepared by the academic staff of ISU and was specially designed for the staff members of Research Department of Georgian Parliament. The training was conducted within the framework of the project “Georgian Academia Contributing to Strengthening Policy and Law Making Process in Georgia”. Project is implemented with the financial support from USAID Good Governance Initiative Program.