
Policy Report Presentation

Ilia State University Public Policy Administration Master Degree Program (MPA) Public Policy Research and Training Center (PPRTC) initiated presentation and discussion on April 2, 2014 - Autism Awareness International Day. The presentation covered policy report of a grant-winning project "Research of Healthcare and Educational Services for People with Autistic Spectrum Disorder". Ilia State University St. George's Autism Center prepared the report, in scope of the EWMI-G-PAC project, with the financial support of USAID.

According to the report, nongovernmental and governmental services available in Georgia for the people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) were researched; their compliance with international standards was studied. As a result, specific recommendations were drafted for governmental and governmental ASD service provider organizations.

University Rector, Giga Zedania, EWMI-G-PAC program Public Policy Advisor Jason Swantek, and ISK Associated Professor, director of Research Institute of Children and Adolescent Development, Tinatin Chincharauli gave talks during the presentation. The speakers emphasized importance and role of such research projects.

Research authors and the field experts discussed this issue, after the presentation was over.

Representatives of governmental and nongovernmental organizations attended policy report presentation.

Public Policy Research and Training Center plans to hold such future presentations and discussions on relevant issues in healthcare and education policy.

For more photos of the event, please, follow the link >>

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