
Our Publication in Spanish Press

Ilia State University has translated and published a text-book “A History of Basque Literature” authored by Professor Jon Kortazar. Vladimer Luarsabishvili, Assistant Professor at Ilia State University, has translated the book with financial assistance of the Basque Government Department of Culture. The translator thanks Dr. Roberto Serrano, Professor of Basque Literature, for his favors and help.

The Spanish Newspaper “El Pais” (15/08/2011) has devoted a full piece of writing to the book published by the university. For detailed information, please visit the following link.

“Nowadays, Georgian readers are given the possibility to bring the history of Basque literature into light through their native language. Ilia State University has translated and published Prof. Jon Kortazar’s book “A History of Basque Literature”.

In 2002, Jon Kortazar’s book was published in Basque and Spanish languages by “Ostoa” Press. The book represents a result of many year works carried out by the author. The author marked:”Edition of the book in Georgian language has increased its academic importance”. The publishing house “Gernika” located in Moscow has been working on the Russian translation of the book as well.

Assistant Professor Vladimir Luarsabishvili is interested in study and research of Basque literature. He has also translated a poetry collection “Stone and Nation” belonging to Basque Poet Gabriel Aresti (Ilia State University Press, 2011). Currently, the translator is working on two collections of the poet and his biography written by Professor J. Kortazar in 2003.

It must be noted that Assistant Professor Vladimer Luarsabishvili has been delivering an academic course on the history of 20th century Basque literature for three years.

The Basque-Georgian translate relation is initiated by Ilia State University and covers an interesting historical precedent. In the 80s of the 20th century, Professor Sh. Quintana, academician at Basque Language Academy, translated a poem “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” in Basque language.

About the Author:

Jon Kortazar (Mundaca, 1955) is a PhD candidate, Professor, Head of Basque Literature Department of Basque Public University, visiting professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela, author of many scientific works and critical articles.

In 2008, Jon Kortazar was awarded with the premium “Rosalía de Castro“by PEN Club for his essay work.

Among his diverse works, there are monographs regarding the Basque literature. Particularly:

a.  Euskal Literatura XX. mendean (six edition, 1990-2003);

b.  Teoría y práctica poética de Esteban Urkiaga, Lauaxeta (1986);

c.  Luma eta lurra (1997). La pluma y la tierra (1999);

d.  La narrativa vasca, hoy. Una mirada desde la postmodernidad (2003).

His works are translated into different languages:

A. In German: Baskische literatur, Berlín, 2005, y monográfico sobre la poesía vasca en Literatur und Kritik, Salzburgo, 2009;

B. In English: Bernardo Atxaga: Basque Literature From The End Of The Franco Era To The Present, Reno, 2007;

C. In Russian:  The book “A history of Basque Literature” is being prepared to be published.

The author collaborates with different journals and newspapers including "Reduccions", "El Boletín de Literatura Galega", "Deia", "El Correo", "El País", "Babelia".

As a visiting professor, Mr. Kortazar delivers lectures at the following universities: Ohio (USA); Tiubingen (Germany); Koln (Germany); Berlin (Germany); Kiel (Germany); Oxford (Great Britain); National University of La Plata (Argentina)

The author's current projects:

Editorial Committee Membership has been publishing a multi-volume book “A History of Modern Basque Literature” (5 volumes are already published).

He has also chaired an edition of “Bilingual Basque Library” comprising the writings of modern and classic Basque authors. (20 volumes are already published).

Jon Kortazar was a beholder of the National Library and a vice-president of Basque learning Society in 2005-2008.

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