
Opening of the Multimedia Library at the Ilia State University

On November 29, 2010 a new Multimedia Library was launched at the Ilia State University. From now on visitors of the library will be able to enjoy classical and contemporary music work, audio books and films. The Collection of the multimedia library presently consists of over 400 LPs, 265 CDs, 35 films from the collection of UniKino and 80 audio books. 

Funding for basic infrastructure of the multimedia library was provided by the Swiss Cooperation Office for the South Caucasus. Professors, employees of the university and wider society contributed to the library collection. Among them: Marina Adamia, Ketevan Gurchiani, Elisabeth Jijavadze, Ia Kupatadze, Natia Kopaliani, Levan Tsagareli, Dali Tskvitishvili, Nodar Chelidze, Tamar Janashia and radio program “Rush Hour”. Ongoing fundraising action “+1”, with the aim of enriching the multimedia collection, invites everyone willing to donate DVDs, CDs, LPs to the library.

At the opening of the multimedia library director of the Ilia State University Library, Natia Gabrichidze and  the representative of the Swiss Cooperation Office for the South Caucasus Nata Gvindadze welcomed guests with a presentation of library services.

All books, LPs, DVDs or CDs are registered with and can be found through an electronic catalogue. Like other libraries of the Ilia State University, Multimedia Library offers its services to all interested persons. 

Working hours: 

Monday through Friday 09:00 – 21:00, Saturday and Sunday 10:00 – 18:00.

Address: 3/5 Kakutsa Cholokhashvili Street, building F, room F102.


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