New Natural Learning Lab
Ilia State University hosted a presentation of new natural learning lab. The presentation was attended by Dimitri Shashkini, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Gigi Tevzadze, Rector of Ilia State University and representatives of international donor organizations. The minister surveyed the presented equipment and participated in the experiments carried out with modern technologies in physics, chemistry and biology.
The lab was created within the framework of TEMPUS project “Student Active Learning in Science” (SALiS). Ilia State University is a coordinator of this project and 10 different universities are participating in it.
In 2010, Ilia State University and University of Bremen jointly initiated and started implementation of the project “Student Active Learning in Science” in Georgia and other partner countries.
The project is funded within the TEMPUS grant and supports a natural learning with modern methods and inclusion of experimental learning methods in the process of studying. The project gives particular importance to the research-based laboratory works.
As it is known, teacher is in the limelight of all current innovations being conducted in the field of education. The project aims to implant natural learning innovations by the training of teachers. For that purpose, the natural teacher training module is designed for each participant university. The trainings will be conducted on the basis of research. This module provides the opportunities to strengthen teacher and student learning and to develop laboratory works with innovative approaches.