New Master’s Program
Ilia State University has become an associate partner of the new master’s program ”Study of Russia, East and Central Europe” within the frameworks of Erasmus Mundus Action 1(Joint academic programmes). Georgia has become a project participant for the first time.
Ilia State University has involved in the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (Mobility) for the first time as well.
Erasmus Mundus is a cooperation and mobility programme in the sphere of higher education which aims to enhance the quality of higher education and to promote dialogue and understanding between people and cultures on the basis of collaboration with the third countries.
The Action 2 of the program comprises the mobility of students and academic personnel throughout the higher education institutions of European and non-European countries.
The mobility (during one or more semesters) of bachelor and master degree students, PhD candidates, young researchers and university staff will be fully covered at the participant universities of the program through Europe. This year, 58 interested people will be provided with the mentioned opportunities.
The consortium established under the cooperation of Ilia State University with Göttingen University will be financed within the frameworks of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 for the South Caucasus countries.
The consortium is represented by eight European universities:
- Göttingen University,Germany
- KU Leuven, Belgium
- KTH Stockholm, Sweden
- University of Graz, Austria
- Life Sciences University of Warsaw, Poland
- Universidad Santiago de Compostela, Spain
- University of Tallin, Estonia
- Università di Tuscia, Italia
The duration of the project is four years.