Nanotechnology and Future Energy Options
On October 18, Professor S. Ismat Shah (University of Delaware, USA) delivered a public lecture on “Nanotechnology and Future Energy Options” at Ilia State University Hall A 101(Chavchavadze Ave. 32).
There are only few alternative energy sources that are viable for life-after fossil fuels. Photovoltaics are arguably at the top of the list. With the exponential growth in the production of solar-cell modules all over the world, including several developing nations like Thailand and Indonesia, the research for increasingly higher efficiency solar cells is in full swing. Several new materials, processes and device designs are being proposed that hold promise for the success of this technology. The talk will survey the current practices and problems with special emphasis on materials development, particularly nanomaterials. As a conjecture, a new alternative path forward to the current dilemma of reducing supplies and increasing energy demand will be explored that could provide a solution to the current energy crisis.