
Ministry of Health Replies to PPRTC Research

Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia positively replied to Ilia State University Public Policy Research and Training Center (PPRTC) policy report "Researching Healthcare and Educational Services Available for Autistic Spectrum Disorders". Ministry representative, Giorgi Kakachia met author of the study, Ilia State University St. George's Autism Center Director, Sophio Kereselidze; he stated that Ministry is interested and wishes to be involved in fulfilling recommendations part of the report that concerns establishing unified guidelines for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) needs. The guidelines have to be established by governmental and nongovernmental agencies working in this field. The Ministry also supports development of separate sub-program in scope of the current budget to finance minimal ASD services. Mr. Kakachia stated that the Ministry plans to involve nongovernmental agencies in the subprogram development.

The report was shortly presented on International Autism Awareness day, April 2. In scope of this study, governmental and nongovernmental services available for people with ASD were researched; service compliance with international standards was identified; specific recommendations were drafted for governmental and nongovernmental ASD service providers.

Policy report was prepared with USAID financial support, in scope of the EWMI-G-PAC project.

Public Policy Research and Training Center plans to hold presentations and discussions on relevant heath and education policy issues in future.


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