Megaproject of Humanitarian Sciences
Ilia State University established a coordinating council of national corpus of the Georgian language, initiated by ISU Center of Linguistic Research in collaboration with the Center of Information Researches and Center of Innovative Technologies. The council aims to work out modern linguistic and technological standards for the rich heritage documented in Georgian language. As well, the council will make every effort to record, annotate and analyze the information by using the elaborated standards.
For this purpose, Ilia State University started the discussion meetings in 2008. Since 2010, the university has implemented the specific projects (1. Corpus of Modern Georgian language (1991-2011), 2. Georgian-English Corpus of “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin”).
Jost Gippert, outstanding German Kartvelologist and Director of Comparative Linguistic Institute at Frankfurt University, was invited to the launching ceremony of the council. Mr. Gippert is a person who created the richest database comprising the printed and handwritten heritage of Caucasian languages, especially old Georgian language. Nowadays, without being of this base, it would be impossible to implement the megaproject.
Since the 90s of XX century, the national corpuses of all languages including Indo-European, Finnish–Hungarian, Semitic and Slavic have been created. All printed, handwritten and oral documented information was moved to the electronic format. The electronic libraries equipped with high-quality research and analysis system were created on the above-mentioned languages as well. Such analysis and research system makes it possible to find documented information rapidly. If a language does not have such system, it will be impossible to get information on this language via technological standards elaborated by the developed world. Consequently, the language will slowly drop a function and disassociate from the circulation of worldwide information.
In accordance with the above mentioned, the creation of national corpus of the Georgian language is a megaproject delivering the strategic importance for our country. It provides the country with opportunities to continue the full participation in progressing through native language.