
Knowledge Backed Up by the Game

The BA program in Liberal Sciences in Ilia State University is implemented by the organization "Georgian-American Initiative in Liberal Education" in cooperation with Michigan University, USA. The program is particular not only by the variety of courses but also by the teaching methodology. The teaching methodology is based on the concept of liberal education with a privileged position given to discussions.

The program in Liberal Sciences is also distinguished by the interesting extracurricular activities. One of these activities is an intellectual game conducted by professor Manana Anasashvili, which is somehow similar to the famous game "What, Where, When" with a main emphasis on revealing the students who master better materials given during the course and who are able to analyze it critically during the game, while completing tasks or answering the questions arising during the force majeure.
Students who completed the course "Modern and Postmodern Literary Examples" led by professor Manana Anasashvili in the spring semester 2013 participated in the last game. Two teams "Brutus" (Captain G. Ninikashivli, Sophomore) and "Mamlakintsebi" (Captain D. Khaberishvili, Sophomore) and the so called Veterans' Team that also completed the same course in 2012 together prepared additional questions for the participants. The Veteran's Team also helped the participants when they were unable to answer the questions. The game was very interesting and tense as the leadership was provisional. The final question was decisive and the team "Brutus" won with the superiority of 0.5 points.

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