
ISU Arts Research Institute–Member of ELIA

Since April 2012, Ilia State University Arts Research Institute has become a member of ELIA (European League of Institutes of the Arts).

The European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) was created in 1990. Currently, it incorporates more than 400 institutes and universities in the world.

ELIA is deeply concerned with the implications of the Bologna Process for higher arts education. ELIA is the primary international network which provides not only information delivery to its members, but field and doctoral researches and three-level of higher arts education.

 “The membership in ELIA is the best way for having access to update information on arts education, expertise, associations, programs and etc. The cooperation with ELIA is significantly important to be integrated in the European arts education, to implement joint exchange programs and projects. It’s vital for our scientific initiatives to be integrated in the European space.”- Mr. Levan Khetaguri, Director of ISU Arts Research Institute, underlined.  

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