
Iliauni Ads Festival Awarding

On July 13, 2012, Ilia State University hosted the final stage and awarding ceremony of ISU Ads Festival. The company ALTA was a sponsor of the final phase and rewarded all members of the winner group “Anonimus” with the Canon Digital Cameras. The winner group included six members – Mariam Nozadze, Makho Jighaurishvili, Keti Gonjilashvili, Nini Mshvidobadze, Tamuna Shatirishvili.

The Ads Festival was organized by the Department of Business, Student Self-Government and Future Economists’ Club. This year, 22 teams took part in the competition. Ms. Sopho Bolkvadze is an author and organizer of the project.

The contest was divided into three stages:

On the first stage - participants must guess the ads videos of companies

On the second stage – participants must create original ads/history/ slogan.

On the third stage- they must make ad video records

According to the decision of the jury, 10 teams took part in the final stage of the competition.

The jury members were: Maya Gonashvili (Chair), Rusudan Dalakishvili, Lana Ebralidze, Archil Gamzardia, ALTA Marketing Manager Nino Tsotsoria. Three winner groups were revealed: FESTINA LENTE (the 3rd position); EDELWISE (the 2nd position) and ANONIMUS (the 1st position). The winner groups were rewarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.

The company “Go Electronics” rewarded the team “BIG PLUS”, a winner of the previous year. 

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