
Ilia State University College of Law Became Member of International Association of Law Schools IALS

Ilia State University College of Law became Member of International Association of Law Schools IALS. The aims of International Association of Law Schools IALS are:

  • To develop and improve the Legal education.
  • Through developing the Legal education to strengthen the supremacy of law in the whole world.
  • On the basis of negotiations and agreements with members of association to discuss and help implement new ideas about law education
  • To help the process of development of law schools. 

In the frames of IALS membership the following is possible:

  • Exchange programs for students and professors. 
  • To use scientific journals, magazines and informational papers published by IALS
  • To participate in international meetings organized by IALS that addresses the most problematic issues in law field. Students, as well as professors of law schools can participate in abovementioned meetings.

For additional information please visit the following web page

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