
Hidden Nations, Enduring Crimes: The North Caucasus between Past and Future

On November 19-21, 2010 the Sheraton Metekhi Palace Hotel hosted the second international conference “Hidden Nations, Enduring Crimes: The North Caucasus Between Past and Future”. Conference was organized by the Ilia State University and Jamestown Foundation and focused on the situation in the Northern Caucasus. 

Over 80 experts from 15 countries attended the event. Among them were: British MP Lord Frank Judd, French philosopher and writer André Glucksmann, Head of the Grozny Branch of the Memorial Human Rights Organization journalist Lidia Yusupova, Chairman of the Regional Organization “Cherkessian Congress” Ruslan Keshev, leaders of the Israeli Chechen Diaspora Ali Hadish and Yanua Hunn, representatives of German Diaspora Omar Erkhan and Zaur Geduadshe, guest from Turkey Giden Baas, famous scientists Pavel Baev, Mitat Chelikpala, Peter Reddaway and others. 

Negative developments taking place in the Caucasus have already captured the attention of the Western countries. Georgian and foreign experts discussed issues of human rights violations in Chechnya, future relations of Russia and the North Caucasus, Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics and attitude of Cherkessians towards it. 

According to Glen Howard, President of the Jamestown Foundation, “Since long ago, Georgia has been considered to be a center of the Caucasus serving as a natural bridge between nations of the Northern Caucasus” – this alone makes is even more significant that it was Georgia that hosted the conference.


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