
Granting Certificates to Excellent Students

Gigi Tevzadze, Rector of Ilia State University and Sakpatenti Chairman Irakli Ghvaladze handed over relevant certificates in a solemn ceremony to the students participated in the lecture-seminar carried out by the staff members of Sakpatenti. 

From April 30 to May 1, the staff members of Sakpatenti delivered the lecture-seminar for top students of the Law Faculty in Kazbegi.  The participants obtained information of their interest on topical issues in the area of intellectual property law.

The seminar was carried out by Sakpatenti staff members - George Kurdiani, Head of the Department of Trademarks and Geographical indications, Zviad Matiashvili, Head of the Department of Inventions, Design and New Varieties and Breeds and Irakli Kasradze, Chief Specialist of the Legal and Copyright Law Department.

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