
Georgian Theatre in 2012

On January 11, Ilia State University Research Centre for Contemporary Georgian Theatre held a press conference which was dedicated to the results of statistical research of 2012 Georgian Theatre. The researchers from Research Centre for Contemporary Georgian Theatre Lasha Chkhartivshvili and Elene Babkishvili and also the director of Georgian Section of International Theatre Critics Association Irina Gogoberidze and the head of the Georgian Theatre Critics Union Nika Tsulukidze participated in the press conference.

Research that was presented by the Ilia State University Research Centre for Contemporary Georgian Theatre was based on the 2012 data from the more than 30 functioning theatre (state, independent, regional) in Georgia.

Research was prepared only according to the quantitative index and does not represent the quality of the performances and the quality of the artistic roles played by the artists.

In 2012 144 plays were staged in Georgia. In particular, 58 – contemporary Georgian plays, 48 – contemporary foreign plays, 38 classical (Georgian and foreign) plays.

Leaders in the nominations

In 2012, the most of the plays were staged at Tbilisi Nodar Dumbadze Children Theatre (17 performances); in the regional theatres Meskheti Theatre (8 performances); in the independent theatres The Free Theatre (7 performances). In 2012, Marjanishvili Theatre held the most of the international tours (5), The Free Theatre (4), Music and Drama Theatre (3). From the 17 regional theatres international tours were held only by Adjarian theatres: Batumi Puppet Theatre (3), Batumi Drama Theatre (1) and Khulo State Teatre (1).

The most active directors in 2012 are Gocha Kpanadze and Giorgi Shaludashvili, art directors Soco Nemsadze in regions (Gori Theatre, 4 performances), Levan Tsuladze in capital (Marjanishvili Theatre, 3 performances). The most active young director is Vano Khutsishvili ( 4 performances).

Actress, who participated in the most plays in 2012 is Nino Kikacheishvili (Tbilisi Theatre of Young Audience, 8 roles) and Manana Beridze (Meskheti Theatre, 7 roles).

Actor, who participated in the most plays in 2012, is Zaza Goguadze (Marjanishvili Theatre, 7 roles), Lasha Butulashvili (Meskheti Theatre, 6 roles), Rajden Kervalisvhili and Den Khlibov (Tbilisi Theatre of Young Audience, 6 roles).

Actors, who were invited in the most performances, are: Ana Tsereteli and Paata Inauri, with 4 and 4 roles they are followed by: Natuta Kakhidze, Magda Lebanidze and Iako Chilaia.

The actor who is invited in the most theatres is: Akaki Khidasheli.

Georgian playwright whose most plays were staged in 2012 is Lasha Bugadze.

You can see research results here >>

While using the results for any purpose ISU Research Centre for Contemporary Georgian Theatre should be indicated as a author of the research ©

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