
Forming of Business in the Knowledge Economy of Georgia

On July 20 Ilia State University hosted a workshop “Forming of Sustainable Business in the Knowledge Economy of Georgia”. The workshop was organized by the infoDev program (funded by the World Bank), Nokia and “Business Incubator Initiative for Georgia”. It was the first phase of the new program, which is to be carried out in the Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and the Central Asia by infoDev and Nokia. The program sets the goal to develop mechanisms of innovation encouragement, creation of mobile technology labs and support of fast growing small business initiatives through development of business incubators.

Participants of the workshop represented the organizations that work on the topic of economy (all sectors), governmental and nongovernmental organizations, business sector and associations.

The main topic of the discussion was dedicated to the identification of businesses with fast growth potential and problems of relevant aid. Discussions made it possible to generate different approaches and showed desire of all participating sides to contribute to the elaboration of those instruments of support of small business initiatives, which would be tailored to local specifics. Results of the meeting and assessment of the potential in Georgia will be presented to the managing team of the infoDev and Nokia programs. Presumably in September 2010 a report will be followed by a decision on the start of the program in Georgia.

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